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Posted by on Jan 23, 2019 in Blog |

The Six-Step SEO Checklist You’ll Need To Dominate 2019

With the holiday season rush coming to a close, it’s time for business owners around the world to revamp their digital marketing strategies.  The first order of business? Optimizing your SEO.

Let’s face facts: If Google doesn’t know who you are, no one does. Every business owner wants their business to be an online authority in their industry. But the key to making sure your business is leading the pack is to make sure Google can quickly and efficiently communicate with your website.

That’s why I’ve put together a definitive SEO checklist for 2019. By the time we’re done here, you’ll be well on your way to having a truly optimized digital marketing strategy.

1. Start with top-notch keyword research.

If you’re a marketing veteran, there’s a good chance you’re already doing this regularly. But if you’re a novice, you probably don’t spend much time doing keyword research. This might not seem like a big deal, but make no mistake: An SEO strategy without keyword research is doomed to struggle.

Why? Because keywords are the difference between “what I think my audience wants” and “what I know my audience needs.”

You always want to be sure that you’re targeting the right keyword. A good rule of thumb is to be sure that every page on your website is targeting at least one specific keyword or topic. If you’re completely at a loss, you can use Google’s free Keyword Planner tool to determine what consumers in your industry care about.

2. Remember that content is still king.

For whatever reason, some business owners seem to think that content is simply a means to an end. But this “content is content” mentality isn’t just dangerous — it’s also wrong.


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