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Posted by on Jan 10, 2018 in Blog |

Introducing the “Default to Cloud” feature for SharePoint hybrid scenarios


Is your SharePoint Farm in or soon to be in a hybrid state? If so, you may be considering to move your users on-prem Mysite to OneDrive in the cloud. After enabling Office 365 features via Central Admin and running the “Hybrid Picker” (SharePoint Hybrid Configuration Wizard) users will be in a hybrid state, and will have access both on-prem and cloud services.

For example, if a user click on the “Newsfeeds” from within the on-prem team site, they would be redirected to their on-prem mysite. This can make things a bit confusing to customers and difficult to support for administrators.

see more…..https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/mikelee/2018/01/10/introducing-the-default-to-cloud-feature-for-sharepoint-hybrid-scenarios/